Vegan Beginnings

I never thought I could ever live off of a plant based diet. Not because I love or crave meat, but I didn’t really comprehend how people survived without it. I grew up in a Hispanic household (my father is Cuban and my mother is Chilean). All our meals included some form of meat and I was taught that I needed to consume it for protein. I remember my abuelos telling me, “necesitas comer carne para ponerse fuerte.” While they were right about me needing protein for my body the source of it doesn’t necessarily need to be from an animal. You can imagine the questions, concerns, and funny looks I received when I told my family I decided to adapt a plant based diet.

Veganism may not be for everyone and this post isn’t me trying to convince you but to enlighten those who don’t really understand it or just curious about it. I will admit that when I first heard the limited diet I jokingly thought vegans could only eat grass and water. Rabbit food is really how I viewed it. I couldn’t have been more wrong! There are so many delicious foods and recipes that are vegan friendly. Everyday I find a new food to try and it’s really exciting. I’m cooking a lot more at home, which saves me money and has helped tremendously with my stomach issues.


Veganism vs. Plant Based Diet

There is a difference between veganism and a plant based diet. Some people may believe that being vegan is solely about eating habits but it is much more than that. It actually is a lifestyle, as a vegan you avoid exploiting animals (e.i. food, clothing, accessories, or makeup). In addition to eating a plant based diet, you are a cruelty free consumer.

I have always cared and loved animals since I was very young. However, I have been blind to the fact that a lot of products I own and use are not cruelty free. I was shocked and disgusted to see pictures of animals abused as test subjects. Since then, I have made it a conscious effort to research brands and products prior to purchasing.


Why vegan?

My family and friends can attest to the fact that I have the world’s most sensitive stomach. Some days I had good days and other days were just awful. At first I chalked it up to me being lactose intolerant but then it would randomly occur when I ordered meals without dairy at restaurants. It got to a point where I didn’t even want to eat outside the comfort of my home because I didn’t know how I would react to foods. I noticed my anxiety would spike if I had to go somewhere where there wasn’t a bathroom (e.i. boat, driving to the Keys) or meet someone out to eat. I wouldn’t wish the level of anxiousness I felt on anyone. I most likely added fuel to the fire, meaning I was already nervous about my stomach going to hurt that it started hurting because I was nervous. Imagine having to live everyday like that?

I ended up making an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Something had to be wrong with me, right? I told the doctor my symptoms, diet, and routine. He gave me a list of tests to do before I meet with him in November. I’m hoping that the tests just show I have a sensitive stomach and all I need is a lifestyle change.

Although, I’m supposed to avoid dairy like the plague I can’t help but indulge myself with pizza. Every single time I’ve regretted it. There were times I would be in a ball laying on the floor thinking this is what dying feels like. Yes, it’s that painful. Not to mention I would bloat very easily and feel sluggish. I had enough and after seeing so many people go vegan I thought what do I have to lose?


What I’ve noticed so far:

I’ve followed a strict vegan diet for a little over a week now. But before that I started off maybe a month ago, no red meat or eggs. I stuck to the leaner meats like chicken and fish. I finally decided to take the plunge and go full vegan. This means no: butter, cream, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, fish, and honey. Basically, anything that is or derived from an animal you can’t consume. It’s a plant based diet that has tons of benefits but I’ll discuss that in a later post.

I did accidentally have eggs on Saturday though… I purchased meatless chicken nuggets from Fresh Market to make at home. I was stoked because I love chicken nuggets. I ate almost the entire box when I went back into the kitchen to take a picture of the label so I can buy more later on, that’s when I saw there were eggs in the batter of the meatless chicken nuggets. I seriously was standing in the frozen aisle freezing my buns off reading each and every ingredient listed on boxes. I managed to overlook it. You live and you learn. I was annoyed because I specifically bought the meatless chicken nuggets to abide the vegan diet but it was a lesson to look for vegan certified sticker and to triple check all ingredients.

My view of food has changed entirely. I no longer just eat whatever I feel like. I’m more on top of my nutrients, protein intake, and overall just making healthier choices. I can ensure you that as a vegan I eat way more protein than I did as a nonvegan, which I find funny because that’s literally the first question (after why) is how I get my protein.

My stomach is feeling a 100% better. I haven’t had any cramping or aches so far! I’m still going to attend my appointment to see my gastroenterologist in November to find out about the test results and hopefully share the good news that I’m not experiencing the severe symptoms I had prior to trying a plant based diet.

Food shopping isn’t the only kind of shopping I’ve been doing this week. There are tons of amazing brands that are cruelty free! I can’t wait to use my Boracay Skin tanning oils this weekend. The company is both vegan friendly and cruelty free. Know a company I would like that is vegan? Comment below.